ILG Webinar Videos Library
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Courses are listed in alphabetical order:
Agricultural Land Assessment - Part 1 (.75 Hour) - Part 1 of 2 will deal with soil surveys, the NDSU production formula, and the valuation schedule. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Office of State Tax Commissioner
Cost: FREE
Agricultural Land Assessment - Part 2 (.75 Hour) - In Part 2, we will conclude with the implementation of the agricultural land valuation schedule and finalizing the process. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Office of State Tax Commissioner
Cost: FREE
Basics of Fund Accounting (1 Hour) - Learn about the basics of fund accounting and recommended best practices for tracking county revenue and expenses. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Linda Svihovec, NDACo Research Analyst & Retired McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer
Cost: FREE
Bidding Your Projects! (1.5 Hours) - So you want to undertake a new project at the Courthouse or buy that new fancy grader, well not so fast! Before you make that next big purchase attend this ILG webinar to find out what legal requirements you must follow. Note for State's Attorneys: This webinar has been approved for 1.5 ND CLE credit / Event# 20200204NDACO
Presenter: Aaron Birst, NDACo Legal Counsel & Assistant Executive Director of Policy
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JAN 2021): Sprain & Strain Prevention (.5 Hour) - Sprains and strains are some of the most common injuries in workplaces today. For North Dakota county employees, sprains and strains account for almost 40% of all workers compensation claims filed. Join us as we discuss work practices and administrative controls that can help to prevent these types of injuries.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (FEB 2021): Choose Hand Safety (.5 Hour) - Our hands are frequently one of our most oft-injured body parts, with hands involved in roughly 1 in 5 claims filed by the CEG. A lot of these types of injuries may be prevented by developing work practices and using the proper PPE. Join us as we discuss the actions we can take in our organizations to prevent these injuries.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAR 2021): Needlestick Prevention (.5 Hour) - Needlestick injuries are a serious hazard in many of our county employees work settings. From law enforcement and corrections officers searching suspects and property, to community health care workers and nurses assisting patients with various tasks, needlesticks can pose a grave and potentially lethal risk to our coworkers. Join us as we examine this risk, and explore actions that employers and employees can take to prevent these types of injuries.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (APR 2021): First Aid Supplies (.5 Hour) - This webinar will look at the where and what of first aid supplies. We will examine the ANSI Z308.1 standard for workplace first aid kits, discuss additional first aid supplies for workers exposed to specific hazards, and contemplate who in your organization should be formally trained in first aid.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAY 2021): Fire Extinguishers (.5 Hour) - Fires can happen in just about any workspace. Having a serviceable fire extinguisher readily available, and knowing how to use it, can make the difference between relatively minor incident and a major catastrophe. In this webinar we will discuss the classes of fire extinguishers, where and how to mount and signal them, general instruction on how to use them and inspect them, and contemplate who in you organization should be trained to use them.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JUNE 2021): Heat Illness Prevention (.5 Hour) - Every year, dozens of workers die and thousands more become ill while working in extreme heat or humid conditions. There are a range of heat illnesses and they can affect anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. In this webinar, we will discuss employer responsibilities to protect workers from heat illnesses. We will examine the different types of heat-related illnesses, general first aid for heat injury/illness, and the different controls we can use to help prevent these illnesses.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JULY 2021): Working Alone (.5 Hour) - Oftentimes our county employees are required to complete tasks while working alone, and this can bring with it a higher level of risk. This webinar will discuss the risks encountered when working alone, and will look at the components of an effective Lone Worker safety policy.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (AUG 2021): Diesel Exhaust (.5 Hour) - Since 2012, diesel exhaust has been listed as a known human carcinogen, and poses a specific hazard to employees that work with this type of equipment. Join us as we discuss the specifics of this hazard and how we can control it.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (SEPT 2021): The Basics of Indoor Air Quality (.5 Hour) - Sometimes, office workers develop a wide range of health problems which may be related to the air quality of the work environment. Join us as we discuss some of the common causes of IAQ problems, look at common indoor air contaminants, identify symptoms and related health issues, and how to investigate possible IAQ problems.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (OCT 2021): Total Worker Health (.75 Hour) - Traditional occupational safety and health protection programs have primarily concentrated on ensuring that work is safe and that workers are protected from the harms that arise from the work itself. TWH explores opportunities to both protect workers and advance their health and well-being by improving the conditions of work through workplace policies, programs, and practices. Join us as we explore the five elements of the Total Worker Health approach.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (NOV 2021): Safe Winter Driving (.5 Hour) - It’s that time of the year again! Time to prepare ourselves and our fleet for another cold, slippery winter in North Dakota! We will look at how to prepare ourselves and our vehicles for what’s coming and discuss safe driving behaviors that will help us to prevent accidents.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JAN 2020): Hazard Communication-Is Your County Prepared?! (.5 Hour) - Is your county prepared?! Join us for a fast-paced, interactive webinar! When most people think about chemical safety, they think about it in the context of an industrial setting like a refinery or perhaps a commercial laboratory. From cleaning supplies in the janitorial closet to various fluids and lubricants in the motor pool, chemical hazards exist in almost every work place including YOUR COUNTY. The effects of an accident or potential misuse can have widespread and deadly consequences, even at some place seemingly as safe as a local restaurant.
“An employee of a Buffalo Wild Wings in Massachusetts died and 10 others were hospitalized Thursday night after being exposed to a cleaner inside the restaurant.” Jason Culver, USA Today 11-8-19
This webinar will cover some of the recommended program requirements and best practices counties can adopt to ensure employees can safely work around chemical hazards. You will get a brief overview of the OSHA Hazcom standard to be used as a framework to designing and auditing your county’s chemical safety policies, procedures, and safe work practices. This webinar is designed to be a starting point and provide a basic overview of hazard communication strategies, and does not require any previous training or experience.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (FEB 2020): Death on the Highway-4 Policies to Save a Life (.5 Hour) - A brief overview of the recommended corrective actions resulting from the roadside fatality of a county highway department worker in March of 2019. We will quickly discuss the proximal and root causes of the fatal incident and focus on four things we can do to make sure an incident like this doesn’t happen to you.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAR 2020): Bloodborne Pathogens in Law Enforcement & Corrections (.5 Hour) - From needlesticks and sharps disposal mishaps, to assaults and “gassing”, LEO’s and CO’s daily face many different bloodborne pathogen hazards in the course of their duties. This webinar will focus on just 3 tried and tested tips that will help your employees keep themselves safe from these challenging and ever-present hazards.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (APR 2020): Stop Work Authority (.5 Hour) - You are at work, and you see a situation where a co-worker may get hurt: what do you do? Most of us would say that we would help them to correct the problem. But the reality is that oftentimes workers observe conditions or behaviors that are unsafe and do or say nothing. There are many reasons employees fail to step up for safety: fear of reprisal, peer pressure/negative peer relations, and the bystander effect, among others. But, if you can incorporate Stop Work Authority into your county's safety culture, you can harness the observations and knowledge of all of your employees, empowering your entire county to take personal responsibility not only for their own safety, but the safety of their co-workers and your county in general. This quick webinar will explain the basic philosophy behind Stop Work Authority and the nuts and bolts of how it will work in your county. We will also discuss obstacles to implementation and dispel myths concerning abuse of SWA.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAY 2020): Office Ergonomics-Part 1 (.5 Hour) - Join us for a two part series on Office Ergonomics. In Part 1, we will cover the basics of ergonomics and the common types of musculoskeletal disorders. We will also discuss proper workstation set-up. In Part 2, we will cover several pieces of recommended ergonomic equipment and its proper use. We will also take a look at some actual county office workstations and identify common ergonomic hazards.
Repetitive motion injuries for office workers are one of the fastest growing workplace injuries in the country. We are challenged daily to maintain a healthy ergonomic work environment for county employees. The County Employer Group has developed an excellent reputation for providing outstanding ergonomic assessments and training to help solve actual ergonomic challenges counties. This training session will provide a hands-on approach to help you provide easy-to-apply changes to help make you more comfortable in your office workstation. Attendees will also learn the importance of ergonomics in the workplace and how to avoid ergonomic injuries. The benefits of sound ergonomics include a decrease in risk of injury, increased comfort, and increased efficiency and productivity. Not only will attendees be able to help themselves at work, but these principles can be applied to home, hobbies, or to help friends and coworkers who may have similar issues. Remember, ergonomic knowledge is contagious.
Presenter: Mike Wolf, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Underwriting & Loss Control Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAY 2020): Office Ergonomics-Part 2 (1.25 Hours) - In Part 2, we will cover several pieces of recommended ergonomic equipment and its proper use. We will also take a look at some actual county office workstations and identify common ergonomic hazards.
Presenter: Mike Wolf, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Underwriting & Loss Control Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JUNE 2020): Heat Stress (.5 Hour) - Working in a hot environment puts stress on the body’s cooling system. When heat is combined with other stresses – like physical work, loss of fluids, or fatigue – it may lead to heat-related illness, disability, or even death. In the 15-year period between 1992 and 2006, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health identified 423 worker deaths due to heat-related illness in the US. This webinar will discuss how to prevent, recognize, and identify recommended first aid for heat-related illnesses, as well as discussing strategies and best practices that can help reduce risks to employees.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JULY 2020): ATV/UTV Lessons Learned (.5 Hour) - In July of 2019, a county employee was driving a “gator” UTV on a gravel road when the UTV hit a large rock and rolled. The employee received minor scrapes and strains. Also in July of 2019, an employee was mowing a berm at a gun range with a UTV with mower attachment when the UTV rolled down the berm. That employee suffered a traumatic brain injury. In June of 2014, an employee was spraying weeds from an ATV when the ATV hit a hidden washout and rolled on top of him. That employee died from his injuries. This webinar will examine some recent ATV/UTV incidents, share what lessons we learned from them, and suggest some best practices and controls to consider in order to better protect our employees.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (AUG 2020): Safe Lifting (.5 Hour) - According to the National Safety Council, in 2017 there were more than 111,000 on-the-job lifting injuries in the US that required days away from work. In this webinar we will discuss the ergonomics of lifting things safely, as well as controls that we can implement in order to reduce the rate of injuries and better protect our employees.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (SEPT 2020): Distracted Driving (.5 Hour) - In 2017, 6% of all motor vehicle crashes in the United States involved a distracted driver with 3,166 people dying in those crashes, 599 of whom were non-occupants (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.). This webinar will briefly discuss the types of distractions faced by drivers, and outline some strategies and tactics that employers and workers can use to limit distracted driving incidents in their organization.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (OCT 2020): Body Fluid Exposure in Corrections (.5 Hour) - One of the most common claims seen in the CEG is for exposure to body fluids in a corrections environment. In this webinar, we will review several incidents to identify root causes and will discuss strategies and tactics to limit the frequency/severity of these types of incidents.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (NOV 2020): Safe Winter Driving (.5 Hour) - Winter driving can be hazardous and scary, especially in North Dakota! Additional preparations can help make a trip safer, or help motorists deal with an emergency. This webinar will provide information to help prevent motor vehicle injuries due to winter storms/weather.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
CEG Monthly Safety Moment (DEC 2020): Slips, Trips & Falls (.5 Hour) - Slips, trips and falls cause nearly 700 fatalities per year and many more injurous accidents in the workplace according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This webinar will provide information to help prevent slips, trips, and falls in your workplace, with a special emphasis on slips and falls due to snow and ice.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
Conducting Meetings (2.5 Hours) - Meetings can often get off track and take on a life of their own. This webinar will help you hold professional and efficient meetings by providing you with information about requirements of public meetings, meeting agendas and parliamentary procedure. Aaron will also cover the importance of meeting minutes. Note for Commissioners and Auditors: This webinar completes your "Conducting Meetings" training requirement.
Presenter: Aaron Birst, NDACo Legal Counsel & Assistant Executive Director of Policy
Cost: FREE
County Budgeting 101 (1.5 Hours) - Learn about the basics of the county budget process, supporting documents, timeline, and the role of county officials and department heads in the budget process. Note for Commissioners: This webinar completes your "Budgeting" training requirement. **1.5 hours CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Linda Svihovec, NDACo Research Analyst & Retired McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer
Cost: FREE
County Officials Academy 2021 (3 Hours) - Learn about the roles of various county offices. Note for Commissioners, Auditors, Treasurers & Recorders: This webinar completes your "County Officials Academy" training requirement.
Cost: FREE
County Records Management (1 Hour) - This webinar will describe the processes involved with the retention and disposal of records as part of the county records management program. Specific topics include maintaining an accurate retention schedule, completing yearly records disposals (both paper and electronic records), and transferring records with historical value to the State Archives. Note for Recorders: This webinar completes your "Records Management" training requirement.
Presenter: Sharon Freeman, ND ITD Information Management Analyst
Cost: FREE
Creating Accountability that Works (1.5 Hours) - Research shows that there is a link between the results organizations achieve and the level of accountability being carried out throughout the company. In this webinar participants will learn how they can put accountability into daily action and discover how to cultivate accountability in others.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $50
Crucial Conversations for Employee Performance (1.5 Hours) - It is human nature to avoid tough conversations, but the truth is that crucial conversations are a necessary part of a successful organization. In this webinar, participants will learn some tips for handling those difficult conversations that are needed in order to address employee performance issues with confidence and competence.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $50
Dealing with Difficult Personalities (1.25 Hours) - Difficult people or situations exist in every workplace. Knowing how to deal with them effectively is essential. This training will help you learn how to identify personality or behavioral characteristics that can make some people difficult to get along with. In turn, you will gain helpful tips and techniques to deal with these individuals in an effective manner.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $40
Demystifying Phishing Attacks (.25 Hour) - Learn HOW to identify sneaky phishing scams of 2019 and find out WHY these bad emails are still happening within our secure networks. Phishing attacks are one of the most common security challenges that individuals and companies face in keeping their information secure. What you thought you knew last year about Phishing scams has changed. Take 15 minutes, test your knowledge, and learn what you need to look for to avoid these potentially damaging emails.
Presenter: Lloyd Nantt, Service Manager, NRG Technology Services
Cost: FREE
Eliminate Negativity, Encourage Positivity (1.25 Hours) - Have you ever been around a chronic complainer or someone who is constantly nega-tive? Negaholism is a condition that is sweeping the workplace and is sucking the life out of those of us who are trying to keep an upbeat attitude. In this webinar, employees will learn how to model and foster positivity in the workplace and explore how to confront energy vampires on their teams.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $40
Ethics in County Government (1.75 Hours) - Don't let ethical dilemmas grind you down. Tune into this fun and interactive webinar to put your brain and heart to the test to help guide your decision making into the future to ensure you are ready for the next challenge. Note for Commissioners: This webinar completes your "Ethics in Government" training requirement.
Presenter: Aaron Birst, NDACo Legal Counsel & Assistant Executive Director of Policy
Cost: FREE
Focused Job Interviewing for Best Results (1 Hour) - What can you ask and what kinds of questions do you need to avoid when conducting a job interview. How do you structure an interview and how do you organize interview questions to obtain critical information from job candidates. This webinar will explore the concept of “behavioral based” interview techniques which operates on the premise that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. It will help organizations establish an interview process that will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and at the same time maintain legal integrity.
Presenter: Chuck Horter, NDACo HR Coordinator
Cost: $35
From Courthouse to Your House - Work Well at Home (1.25 Hours) - Whether you are working in your usual, but locked in location or working from home, you’ll find our upcoming webinar helpful. Even if you’re not working from home yet, you may soon be, and your NDACo staff are here to help you.
• SACCHO Executive Director Mary Korsmo will help you keep your family safe when you come and go from your out-of-house work.
• NRG President Lonny Bosch will offer tips on how to protect your data from the OTHER kind of virus, and make the most of technology in your home.
• NDACo Assistant Executive Director of Operations Genny Dienstmann will help you adapt to working remotely “with” your office-mates.
• CEG Underwriting & Loss Control Manager Mike Wolf will help those working from home learn how to set up a home work station and give you other tips to keep you healthy and productive.
• And more!
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar JAN 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in January to prepare for February. (Ag Land Value Certification, Scheduling Equalization Meetings, TAP Uploads for HPC, DVC & BX)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar FEB 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in February to prepare for March. (Notice of Increase, preparation for local equalization meetings)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar MAR 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in March to prepare for April. (Assessment Book Reviews, Equalization Meetings)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar APR 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in April to prepare for May. (County Equalization Meetings, Supplementary Abstracts)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar MAY 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in May to prepare for June. (Vacant Lot Worksheets, Finalizing Sales Ratio Study, Preparation/Presentation to State Board of Equalization, List of New Growth/Decreases)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar JUNE 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in June to prepare for July. (Gathering Information for Appeals, Continuing Education)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar JULY 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in July to prepare for August. (Tax Appeals Process, Handling Credit Applications, Finalizing Taxable Value, Omitted Assessments)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar AUG 2021 - NO AUGUST WEBINAR
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar SEPT 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in September to prepare for October. (Ag Land, Modifiers)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar OCT 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in October to prepare for November. (TLR, Possessory Interest, Various Applications for Mailing)
Cost: FREE
Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar NOV 2021 (.25 Hour) - What to do in November to prepare for December. (Various Abstracts, HPC & DVC Uploads)
Cost: FREE
Government Collections in Today's Virtual World (1 Hour) - How are local governments like yours leveraging technology to adapt in this new virtual environment and meet the demands of their citizens?
Now, more than ever, collecting payments in a virtual environment is key to combating disruptors and keeping your government office running efficiently. Your citizens want choice in how and where they pay, yet your government operations need transparency, accountability, and risk management. Join us to discuss how local governments are leveraging technology to transform their collections process to meet the demands of their constituents.
You’ll learn how best-in-class peers are connecting with their citizens digitally, managing business continuity plans, and trying to mitigate risks. Our government treasury specialists will be on hand to offer insights and help you think of ways to shift from disruption to opportunity, so you can better serve the public with safety and effectiveness.
Presenters: Wells Fargo Bank Government Team
Cost: FREE
HR Responsibilities for County Officials (Part 1 of 2) (1.5 Hours) - The HR Function in local government has become increasingly complex! Gone are the days when “HR” meant you were simply talking about payroll and benefits. Join us for this 2-part series where we break it down for you in an easy to understand format. Human Resources Management essentially has two dimensions: The technical side of HR and the not-so-technical side… also called Strategic HR. Part 1 will focus on an overview of Technical HR – terms and labor laws you need to recognize, resources to help you dig deeper when needed, and key HR processes within every organization. These are the building blocks. A basic grasp of Technical HR is needed in order for county officials to fulfill an even more important role… the not-so-technical side of things is where our county leaders can *shine*! Be sure to join us for Part 2 to learn more.
Presenter: Tanya Wieler, HR Consultant, Dakota Dynamics
Cost: $40
HR Responsibilities for County Officials (Part 2 of 2) (1.25 Hours) - Part 2 in this series is all about the not-so-obvious side of the HR function. This requires us to look beyond the administrative tasks of payroll and benefits, policy manuals and labor regulations to see a bigger picture and create a bigger plan. Plan = Strategy. Strategic Human Resources is all about linking the HR function to the overall goals of the County. We often have this feeling that we are trying to do more with less. Does your county or department have a long-term plan to counter those thoughts? Have you thought beyond this year’s budget or next month’s meeting? What is it that helps us recruit and retain qualified and happy employees? What is your role in all of this? Strategic Human Resources does not need to be an overwhelming, abstract concept. Whether you’re a brand new official or a veteran who’s been around for a while, you can contribute to future growth and success by focusing on strategic decisions. We will cover key tips for helping you become a strategic thinker invested in your county’s well-being.
Presenter: Tanya Wieler, HR Consultant, Dakota Dynamics
Cost: $40
Hiring & Application Process (1.5 Hours) - Our employees are our #1 asset! County government provides services to our taxpayers; without qualified people we can’t provide those services. In many areas across the state we are operating in an “employee’s market”. It has become increasingly hard to find qualified and committed employees. This session will cover the basic process to fill vacancies in your county, provide tips for those hard-to-fill jobs, and provide an overview of the technical tasks such as writing the job advertisement and applying Veteran’s Preference.
Presenter: Tanya Wieler, HR Consultant, Dakota Dynamics
Cost: $40
Hiring the Right People (1.25 Hours) - The right person on your team will add value and the wrong person can easily destroy it. Interviewing should never be left to pure intuition alone or to an unprepared individual. This training discusses the importance of how to effectively prepare for and conduct an interview and select the right candidate to join your team.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $40
Incident Command System (ICS) Overview for Elected and Appointed Officials
In partnership with the ND Department of Emergency Services (NDDES), ILG is excited to offer a FREE 3-part webinar series to familiarize elected and appointed officials of their role and the role of the Emergency Manager in supporting incident management within the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Upon completion of this 3-part course, officials will be able to explain National Incident Management System (NIMS) tenets and the role of the four command and coordination entities (Incident Command System, Emergency Operations Center, Multi-Agency Coordination Group and Joint Information System) within NIMS. In addition, you will find the following benefits:
- Better understanding of the roles of responders and emergency managers.
- Comprehend the role of an Emergency Operations Center in support of the Incident Command System.
- Know the relationships of support from NDDES and Federal partners as incidents/disasters escalate.
- Improve communications and stronger working relationships.
*Individuals who complete the G 402 Incident Command System Overview for Executives and Senior Officials will receive a certificate of completion from the ND Department of Emergency Services.
PART 1 (.75 Hours) - In session one, we will provide an overview of the course objectives and explain the National Incident Management System and the Command and Coordination System.
Presenter: Bill Brown, ND Department of Emergency Services, SE Region Coordinator
Cost: FREE
PART 2 (1.5 Hours) - In session two, we will explain the organizational structure of the Incident Command System and the role of the Command and General Staff and will address the 14 NIMS Management characteristics. Also, we will go over the function and structure of the Emergency Operations Center, the role of the Emergency Manager, and the direction provided by the Senior Official and multi-agency coordination group.
Presenter: Neil Johnson, ND Department of Emergency Services, SW Region Coordinator
Cost: FREE
PART 3 (1.25 Hours) - In session three, we will explain the functions and purpose of a Multi-agency coordination group, joint information center, and describe the interconnectivity of the Command and Coordination systems. Also, we will address Senior Officials’ role in preparing for an incident and identify additional resources. Finally, we will summarize key points from the course and wrap up the class.
Presenter: Al Hanson, ND Department of Emergency Services, NW Region Coordinator
Cost: FREE
Mill Levy Essentials (1 Hour) - What is a mill levy and how is it calculated? The value of a mill is different for almost every entity in the state. Understand how values and budgets are separate functions, yet work together to determine the information on the property tax statement. We will walk you through the maximum mill levy worksheets and provide guidance on gathering the information needed to create an accurate levy.
Presenter: Linda Svihovec, NDACo Research Analyst & Retired McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer
Cost: FREE
No Bully Zone (1.5 Hours) - Bullying is not just in the schools anymore. It is becoming a topic that we need to address in our organizations. This webinar explores how “bullying” type behavior can upset the work environment and impact working relationships. Participants will identify the types of bullies in the workplace and techniques to deter the bully’s influence on them and the workplace.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $50
Occupational Injury/Illness Incident Investigations (1 Hour) - Investigating a worksite incident— a fatality, injury, illness, or close call— provides employers and workers the opportunity to identify hazards in their operations and shortcomings in their safety and health programs. Most importantly, it enables employers and workers to identify and implement the corrective actions necessary to prevent future incidents. This webinar is appropriate for employees that may be asked to participate in an incident investigation team, but have little or no experience in the investigation of occupational injury/illness.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
Open Meetings & Open Records (1.5 Hours) - All public entities are subject to the Open Meeting and Open Record laws. Sandra will share with you "need to know" information about these laws. Get your questions answered and join us for this important webinar! Note for Commissioners, Auditors, Treasurers and Recorders: This webinar completes your "Open Meetings/Open Records" training requirement. **1.5 hours CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Sandra DePountis, Assistant Attorney General
Cost: FREE
Positively & Powerfully Navigating Change (1 Hour) - JFK once said that “change is the law of life,” therefore it’s not if change will happen but rather how do we handle change when it does happen. This webinar is designed to improve your understanding of how you react to change and discover a RADICAL approach to successfully navigating through change.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $35
Professionalism & Etiquette in the Workplace (1.25 Hours) - Have you ever put your foot in your mouth while talking to a coworker? Have you sent an email and then gotten a response you did not expect? This webinar will focus on increasing employees awareness of workplace expectations and office manners. We will explore such topics as email and social media etiquette, effective communication and professional behavior in the workplace. By paying attention to these areas we can build stronger working relationships by getting along with better manners.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $40
Role of the Commissioner (1.25 Hours) - The role of county commissioner comes with many expectations, but no job manual. Join us for an interactive webinar to learn about the roles of a county commissioner, including specifications of the office required by the ND Century Code. Note for Commissioners: This webinar completes your "Role of the Commissioner" training requirement.
Presenters: Aaron Birst, NDACo Legal Counsel & Assistant Director-Policy; Chad Peterson, Cass Co. Commissioner; Cindy Schwehr, Barnes Co. Commissioner
Cost: FREE
Root Cause Analysis (.75 Hour) - Incident investigations that focus on identifying and correcting root causes, not on finding fault or blame, also improve workplace morale and increase productivity, by demonstrating an employer’s commitment to a safe and healthful workplace. This webinar builds off of the techniques and guidelines learned in the “Occupational Injury/Illness Incident Investigations” webinar and focuses on two key elements: determining the true root causes of the incident and implementing effective corrective actions. This webinar is appropriate for employees that may be asked to participate in an incident investigation team and/or develop root causes and/or corrective actions, but have little or no experience in those tasks.
Presenter: Patrick Engelhart, CSP, NDACo County Employer Group (CEG) Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
SIRN 101 (1.5 Hours) - This webinar will explain how the Statewide Interoperable Radio Network (SIRN) will change the landscape and improve communications capabilities amongst emergency responders and dispatch centers across the state through advanced technology and features. Your presenters will provide history on the SIRN project as well as the plan to build-out this new system including the timeline and financial commitment at the local and state levels. Join us to find out more how SIRN will improve emergency communications in your community and our state.
Presenters: Darin Anderson, Public Safety Program Manager, ND ITD; Donnell Preskey Hushka, Government/Public Relations Specialist, NDACo; Karen Kempert, Emergency Manager, Cavalier County; Captain Eric Pederson, ND Highway Patrol
Cost: FREE
State Forms - Part 1 (1 Hour) - The Office of State Tax Commissioner will be hosting a special webinar focused on State Forms. This webinar will take a deeper look into each report and address common questions and issues. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Office of State Tax Commissioner
Cost: FREE
State Forms - Part 2 (1 Hour) - The Office of State Tax Commissioner will discuss the Notice of Increased Assessments and the Assessment Adjustment Worksheet. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Office of State Tax Commissioner
Cost: FREE
State Forms - Part 3 (.75 Hour) - In this webinar, Property Tax Division staff will touch on the Exempt and Payment in Lieu of Tax Abstracts, Abstract of Assessments, Supplementary Abstract, the Vacant Lot Worksheet and the Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenter: Office of State Tax Commissioner
Cost: FREE
Strategies to Boost Your Employee Engagement (1 Hour) - If you want to start taking actual steps towards addressing and boosting engagement in your workplace, then this webinar is for you. If you want to get focused on engagement, but aren’t sure where to start or need a bit of guidance, then this presentation is for you! This webinar will remind you about the importance of employee engagement and the different factors that influence levels of engagement. It will walk you through the employee engagement process and discuss practical initiatives that can boost engagement in your workplace.
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Define employee engagement and why it is critical to organization success
- Apply the employee engagement process to enhance engagement levels
- Adopt best practices to drive employee engagement
- Devise a plan to impact the engagement in your organization
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $35
Stress Less (1.5 Hours) - If there is one condition that describes our lives today it is "stressed out." In fact many of us are getting stressed out over being stressed out. We are overworked, overextended, overwhelmed and overloaded. This webinar will explore the causes of stress and strategies for reducing the stress experienced by all of us in life and while on the job.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $50
Team Grow: Inspire Your Team to Get Along & Get Stuff Done (1.25 Hours) - Does your team bicker endlessly or smile and nod while avoiding the tough issues? Does your team make decisions so slowly that nothing ever gets done or too fast and misses the critical issues that come back to bite you later? Too often, team miscommunication and dysfunction leads to low productivity as well as misery and wasted time. This webinar focuses on how you can transform your team for the better and begin to grow, get along and get stuff done!
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $40
The Census of Governments is Underway (1 Hour) - The Census of Governments is the only comprehensive source of uniform statistics on economic activity of State and Local Governments. During this webinar, Census Bureau experts will provide an overview of the Census of Governments and its components. Additionally, it will help you understand the importance of and the practical uses of these data and help you learn about the available resources and data tools. This webinar is brought to you by a partnership with the North Dakota Association of Counties and the North Dakota League of Cities.
Presenters: U.S. Census Bureau
Cost: FREE
The Donation Dilemma (1 Hour) - Donations! Join us to discuss restrictions on budget authority and what it means to your county.
Presenter: Aaron Birst, NDACo Legal Counsel & Assistant Executive Director of Policy
Cost: FREE
The Legislative Process (1.5 Hours) - Like a comet that passes the earth every couple of years, the North Dakota legislature is going to make its return to Bismarck this January. This ILG webinar is designed to cover such topics as: What is the legislative process?; What are some tips for working with legislators?; Where can I get the legislative information I need?; and What legislative issues may lie ahead? Join us for a fun, fast-paced webinar presented by members of "Team County" - the legislative relations specialists of NDACo.
NOTE for Commissioners, Recorders and Treasurers: This webinar completes your "Legislative Process" training requirement.
Presenters: Terry Traynor, NDACo Executive Director; Aaron Birst, NDACo Legal Counsel & Assistant Executive Director of Policy ; Donnell Preskey Hushka, NDACo Government/Public Relations Specialist
Cost: FREE
Transitioning Employees Back-Reintegration Process (1 Hour) - As local officials consider transitioning employees back to onsite work and open courthouses and other county buildings to the public, NDACo is here to help you with your transition plan. Our staff will be reviewing the Reintegration Plan Summary and current CDC recommendations. We are here to help answer your questions about the process.
Presenters: Genny Dienstmann, NDACo Assistant Executive Director of Operations; Mike Wolf, CEG Underwriting & Loss Control Manager; Patrick Engelhart, CEG Safety Manager
Cost: FREE
Understand Your Property Coverage: NDFT Review & Updates (1 Hour) - Your political subdivision’s buildings and outdoor property are some of its most valuable assets, so it’s important to understand how they’re covered under the North Dakota State Fire and Tornado Fund (NDFT). This one-hour presentation will provide a general overview of property coverage, highlight recent coverage enhancements, and explain the importance of working with your local agent to regularly review your property schedule and ensure your property is adequately covered.
Presenters: Corey Olson, NDIRF-Director of Member Services; Jeff Tescher, NDIRF-Director of Underwriting
Cost: FREE
Upcoming Budget Deadlines (.25 Hour) - Review the 2022 budget process including timeline and due dates for August, September and October.
Presenter: Linda Svihovec, NDACo Research Analyst & Retired McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer
Cost: FREE
What's Age Got to Do With It? (1.25 Hours) - Today's workforce is multi-generational and each generation has different ideas about what work means and how to interact with others. This webinar will provide employees with a deep understanding about the differences of each generation and explore techniques to effectively work with each generation.
Presenter: Dawn Kaiser, Certified HR Professional/Speaker/Author
Cost: $40
Why Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Is Important to Counties (1 Hour) - Everyone cares about geography. From parcels to 911 to road departments; and taxation to soil modifiers, each county uses geography to get the daily work accomplished. Are you using GIS in order to make this job easier? This webinar will talk about how counties in ND can utilize the technology and work more efficiently. CE Approved by the Office of State Tax Commissioner Property Tax Division.
Presenters: Angie Milakovic and Solli Frank; Founders-Kajaer GeoConsulting
Cost: FREE
Worksite Wellness - Part 1 (1.25 Hours) - Boost your worksite productivity while reducing healthcare costs! This two-part webinar series will review the impact of worksite wellness programs on business performance and healthcare costs, explore various techniques and strategies, and share lessons learned.
Presenters: Dr. Terry Dwelle, Former ND State Health Officer; Javayne Oyloe, Upper Missouri District Health Unit; Daphne Clark, Upper Missouri District Health Unit; Ruth Roman, Fargo Cass Public Health; Jeanna Kujava, Pembina County Public Health Dept; Rachel Ramsay, Pembina County Health Dept
Cost: FREE
Worksite Wellness - Part 2 (1 Hour) - Boost your worksite productivity while reducing healthcare costs! This two-part webinar series will review the impact of worksite wellness programs on business performance and healthcare costs, explore various techniques and strategies, and share lessons learned.
Presenters: Chris McInnes, Traill District Health Unit; Katie Johnke, Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health; Allen Anderson, Grand Forks Public Health Dept
Cost: FREE