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Benefits of Membership

The Programs & Services tab contains information about the primary benefits counties enjoy as members of their association. To highlight some of the main benefits:

Political power: NDACo and NDCCA frequently lobby the state legislature and in some cases, even go to Washington, D.C. to testify on important legislation or discuss bills and issues with key congressional members. Organizing these efforts makes the message stronger and enables more voices to be heard than if each individual county were to attempt to do all the work on their own.

Purchasing power: Membership in NDACo and in the national organization, NACo, allows counties to negotiate better contracts to the financial benefit of all counties. For example, all county employees are grouped together as if employed by one organization for the purposes of Workforce Safety and Insurance (Worker's Comp.) This County Employers Group has saved counties millions of dollars.

National Affiliation: If the power of one county can be multiplied 53 times in North Dakota, imagine the power of over 3,000 counties nationwide! To learn more about the benefits of belonging to the National Association of Counties (NACo) as well, please click this list of Top Ten Member Benefits.

Download this publication for a brief but helpful guide to the benefits of membership in NDACo.