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NDACo's Svihovec Named Co-Chair of Census 2020 Complete Count Task Force

Posted 5/10/19 (Fri)

Gov. Doug Burgum has signed an executive order creating the Complete Count Task Force to recommend strategies that safeguard and promote the 2020 census to ensure a fair and accurate count for the state.

Burgum announced the co-chairs of the Complete Count Task Force: Linda Svihovec, a research analyst with the North Dakota Association of Counties and former auditor/treasurer for McKenzie County, and Louise Dardis, a retired West Fargo School District administrator who also spent five years as manager of Succeed 2020, a program dedicated to making students college and career ready.

Lt. Gov. Brent Sanford, state and federal leaders, advocates and community members met to highlight North Dakota’s efforts to ensure a complete and accurate census count.

“The data that will be collected by the 2020 census is critical for North Dakota counties and communities,” Burgum said. “Working together, we will arrive at a complete and accurate count to ensure we receive proper funding to plan roads, schools, hospitals, senior centers and emergency services to best serve changing populations in North Dakota.”

The task force has the charge of recommending strategies that safeguard and promote the 2020 census to ensure a fair and accurate count for the state. The North Dakota Legislature has appropriated $1 million to improve awareness on the importance of the census.

In North Dakota alone, more than 3,000 employees will be needed during the peak effort months of May and June 2020. Every household will be contacted by mail. Many of these will be visited in person by an employee of the U.S. Census Bureau.

The estimated cost to the state of a person not counted in the 2020 census will be $19,100 in federal funds through the year 2030, North Dakota Census Office Manager Kevin Iverson said. “It is vitally important that every resident is counted in the decennial census,” he said.

The census is conducted every 10 years to ensure equal representation in an elected government at both federal and state levels.

“We are pleased to join Governor Burgum and the North Dakota Complete Count Task Force in this historic effort,” U.S. Census Deputy Regional Director Dennis Ray Johnson said. “The 2020 Census will impact the residents of North Dakota not only in 2020, but for the next 10 years and beyond.  We will work together to ensure the most complete and accurate count possible.”

“Everyone gains from participating in the census,” Iverson said. “If you drive on public roads, have children attending school or anything that uses public services or infrastructure, you have a stake in the outcome of this census.”

The North Dakota Census Office within the North Dakota Department of Commerce serves as the state’s liaison to the U.S. Census Bureau and is the state’s official source for demographic information in North Dakota.

The North Dakota Department of Commerce works to improve the quality of life for North Dakota citizens by leading efforts to attract, retain and expand wealth. Commerce serves businesses and communities statewide through committed people and partners who offer valuable programs and dynamic services.

The executive order can be viewed here.

Pictured left to right:
U.S. Census Deputy Regional Director Dennis Ray Johnson
ND Lt. Governor Brent Sanford
Co-Chairs of the ND Complete Count Task Force Louise Dardis, retired West Fargo School District Manager and
Linda Svihovec, NDACo Research Analyst and retired McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer
ND Indian Affairs Commission Executive Director Scott Davis