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NDACo News

A Legislative Session Like No Other

Posted 1/25/21 (Mon)

Donnell Preskey Hushka | Government/Public Relations Specialist

There is a lot of anticipation and uncertainty felt by lawmakers, legislative staff, lobbyists and the public as we kick off the North Dakota 67th Legislative Session. In the 67 times lawmakers have assembled in Bismarck to set budgets and decide policy for our great state, none have started like this. Just a month ago, Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner, in his coach-like spirit, told his fellow senators “it’s gonna go.”  Yes, the Legislative Session is going to go. That alone is incredible. According to research from the National Council of State Legislatures, how states are proceeding during the pandemic varies. Several states are delaying their legislative session; others are moving to larger facilities or holding all virtually, ceasing in-person committee meetings; and many will conduct their sessions like North Dakota, offering a hybrid approach of in-person and remote participation.  

The technology advances made for this Legislative Session are also like no other. Lawmakers will be able to provide floor speeches and vote remotely as the Senate and House chambers have new video monitors installed. In addition, each committee room is equipped with web cameras and audio. Citizens will be able to watch a hearing live or after it occurred. Better yet, individuals will have the opportunity to testify remotely if they feel uncomfortable or are unable to attend the hearing in person.

“The technology changes at the Capitol will allow our county folks to be engaged in this legislative session like never before; this is incredible!” said NDACo Executive Director Terry Traynor. “ND counties have the ability to more easily connect with legislators and the issues that impact them. You are their hometown experts.”

For those who want to submit testimony remotely, there will be a link attached to the hearing schedule. You will need to pre-register an hour before the hearing and are asked to upload testimony or supplemental documents. If you plan to deliver oral testimony, you are encouraged to submit written testimony as well. Registering to deliver oral testimony for a bill does not guarantee you will be allowed. It will be up to the chairman to balance the time constraints and the number of people who may indicate they desire to testify, whether that is in person or remotely.

Committee rooms have been moved around to allow for more room. Citizens will be allowed to attend committee meetings in person with seating spread out to allow for physical distancing. The Capitol entrance also has a face lift to make it more accessible. There is also a COVID-screening device at the doors to take your temperature and have you answer three questions.

Let the NDACo legislative team know if you are interested in attending a hearing in person or if you plan to deliver testimony written or oral to the committee. We will walk you through the steps. 

“Another important change to note is that public access in the back of the chamber is now restricted. You can view floor sessions from the balcony. This will make it more challenging to visit with your lawmakers,” said Traynor. “However, we recognize the tremendous job of legislative leaders and staff in providing the hybrid option which balances protecting the health of legislators, staff and public and the need for an open, transparent session.”

All these procedures are in place to allow for the legislative business to progress in the safest manner possible. Lawmakers are expected to tackle issues related to COVID-19, the decline in oil revenues and the impacts to the state budget and how to spend the earnings from the Legacy Fund.

“ND counties feel optimistic about the discussions being held prior to the Session regarding infrastructure funding and bonding,” said Traynor. “There may be a couple options proposed; but from what we have seen, these proposals align with the priority counties have for road funding. It is a priority for legislative leadership; they recognize the road needs are great in our counties and the importance of delivering funding counties can use for the next construction season.”

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