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Legislative Services

NDACo’s original purpose—legislative lobbying—remains a priority service today. NDACo’s reputation as a fair and forward-thinking representative of local government has earned respect among legislators and the media. Our legislative staff tracks major bills of interest to counties and alerts officials to major developments. During the session, we'll post our weekly video updates here. Below the video is a link to our Legislative Blog and other helpful resources.

There, you'll find videos, commentary, our popular Weekly Report, schedules of hearings, testimony you can read, and many other resources.

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Other Legislative Resources

NDACo/NDCCA Resolutions

Lobbying Tips (NDACo document created for county officials)

Click here to find and contact your legislators

Helpful Information From the State 
We recommend you "bookmark" or "favorite" this page.  It contains helpful links, information, definitions, rules, etc. on the following topics:

  • Bills
  • Resolutions
  • Session Laws (the popular name for Laws of North Dakota)
  • Constitutional amendments 
  • Governor’s veto messages
  • Lists of House and Senate members
  • A statewide legislative district map
  • North Dakota Century Code
  • How to Testify Before a North Dakota Legislative Committee
  • How a Bill Becomes Law (document download at the bottom of the page)



Consolidation Studies

Every few years, someone proposes the wholesale reorganization or consolidation of several counties. The issue has been thoroughly studied. The links below will download the NDSU County Consolidation study and NDACo's PowerPoint presentation on the same subject.
NDSU County Consolidation Study

     This is a PDF of the study conducted by NDSU

Consolidated Services PowerPoint

     This PowerPoint shows the many services that counties have already consolidated.