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NDACo Staff

In the profiles below, each staff member shows their connection to one or more North Dakota Counties. Get to know us!

(Formal portraits available for media requests, etc. - contact Jeff Eslinger at


Maggie_Splonskowski_wall.jpg Image
Maggie Splonskowski
9-1-1 Data Analyst
Maggie Splonskowski is a born-and-raised Bismarcker, but her work will reach out statewide, aiding public safety, voting, licensing and innumerable personal and commercial users.
She is in her final year as a Geographic Information Systems student at Bismarck State College.
Maggie will be working with the state's 9-1-1 database provider, telecommunications companies and the counties to help incorporate GIS into each of our county's 9-1-1 systems. It is important work for the safety of our state's citizens; and if it happens to mean the pizza deliverers won't get lost as often, that's a bonus.