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NDACo Staff

In the profiles below, each staff member shows their connection to one or more North Dakota Counties. Get to know us!

(Formal portraits available for media requests, etc. - contact Jeff Eslinger at


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Genny Dienstmann, CAE
Assistant Director - Operations
Genny is a Grant County gal, having been born and raised in the big cities of Shields and St. Gertrude (suburbs of Raleigh) and still thinks of it as home. She keeps many of our ducks in a row, covering responsibilities like the Association's building, finance, HR - including the HR Collaborative for Local Government, and even runs herd on the ND Assoc. of County Engineers and ND Assoc. of County Recorders. Genny added to her degree in Accounting and Business Administration by achieving certification from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) as a Certified Association Executive (CAE) in 2005.