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NDACo Staff

In the profiles below, each staff member shows their connection to one or more North Dakota Counties. Get to know us!

(Formal portraits available for media requests, etc. - contact Jeff Eslinger at


Terry-Web.jpg Image
Terry Traynor
Executive Director
If we made a sign with all the counties Terry is connected to, it would be too big to fit him in the picture. Ransom County, though, is where he grew up, graduated high school and think of as the "home place." He's also lived, schooled or worked in Grand Forks, Eddy, Cass, Morton, Mercer, McLean and Oliver Counties! Terry is our answer man on legislative issues, the juvenile justice system, emergency services, 9-1-1 and many other programs, as well as things the rest of us never think about, like beaver damage and bituminous asphalt.
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