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Dakota Territory Sheriff's Association Conference

November 9-11, 2021

Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, Bismarck. A block of rooms are available under Dakota Territory Sheriffs Association Conference. Reservations can be made by calling (701) 258-7700 reference the Dakota Territory Conference when booking for the conference rate.

EverSpring also has a room block under Dakota Territory Conference (701) 222-2900

Registration deadline is October 28th. 

Attendees click here to register.

Tentative Agenda (13 hours of POST Credits pending approval)

November 9th 

1:00 Empathetic Strain & Building Resiliency

2:15 Developing an Officer Wellness Program

3:00 Counterfeit Drugs in America

4:00 Speak Up in Response to Human Trafficking, Stacy Schaffer 31:8 Project

5:00 Social in Courtyard

November 10th

8:00 Think Differently! Drop "Best Practices" for Defensible, Legal-Based Solutions (National Institute for Jail Operations)

10:00 Vendor Networking Break

11:00 Qualified Immunity, NDIRF

12:00 Lunch

1:00 U.S. Customs & Border Patrol

3:00 Vendor Networking Break

4:00 Southern Border Visit Panel

6:00 Banquet

November 11th

8:30 Evolution of Law Enforcement Response in relation to Civil Unrest

9:30 Realistic De-escalation, Derek Arndt, ND HP

11:30 Rail Safety, BNSF


1:00 Breakout Association Meetings

Sponsorships available

Sorry, exhibit spaces are now full

Options are listed below. Click here to register. 

Dakota Territory Sheriff's Association is offering numerous opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors. Participating in this event will be Sheriffs, deputies and jail administrators from North and South Dakota. 200 attendees are expected at this bi-annual event. We appreciate your consideration and involvement; your support will be acknowledged at the conference. 

Diamond Sponsor $7,500


  • Exhibit Space
  • Registration for two which includes all conference meals including social & banquet
  • 15 minute speaking opportunity
  • Priority booth selection (if booked 30 days in advance)
  • Company logo with sponsorship recognition on conference materials
  • Full page ad in conference program

Platinum Sponsor $5,000   


  • Exhibit Space
  • Registration for two which includes all conference meal events including social & banquet
  • 10 minute speaking opportunity
  • Priority booth selection (if booked 30 days in advance)
  • Company logo with sponsorship recognition in conference program

Gold Sponsor $2,500


  • Exhibit Space
  • Registration for two which includes all conference meal events including social & banquet
  • 5 minute speaking opportunity
  • Company logo with sponsorship recognition in conference program

 Silver Sponsor $1,000


  • Exhibit Space
  • Two registrations which includes all conference meal events including social & banquet 
  • Company logo with sponsorship recognition in conference program

Bronze Sponsor $650


  • Exhibit Space
  • One registration which includes all conference meal events including social & banquet
  • Company logo with sponsorship recognition in conference program

Exhibit Only - $500


  • Exhibit Space
  • Company name listed in conference program

Community Sponsor – $250


  • Company name listed in conference program

Indoor Exhibit + Outdoor Space - $900

Exhibitor Information

  • Exhibit Hours:
    • November 10th am & pm breaks
  • 8x4 table with linen and two chairs
  • Electrical access limited; extension cords not provided

Hospitality Sponsor (Nov 9th and/or Nov 10th)
Responsible for hosting designated room and providing food & beverages
Please contact to request.


  • Hospitality room space
  • Acknowledged as Hospitality Sponsor in conference program