Exhibitors & Sponsors

Registration for exhibiting and sponsoring at the 2021 Annual Conference has closed. If you are interested in being contacted for future conferences, please reach out to us after October 5th. 

Thank you!


Exhibit Info (Scroll down for Sponsor Info)

For information on exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities please contact Jeff Eslinger at 701-328-7300 or jeff.eslinger@ndaco.org.

Exhibit your products and services directly to decision-makers, and learn about their needs face-to-face. We offer three indoor exhibit space options – Elite, Traditional or Large Equipment Exhibits.

Elite Exhibitor

Elite Exhibit

What makes an exhibit elite? Among other things — location, location, location. The Elite Exhibit area is right outside the general session area and exhibitors have their own "Elite" space. Elite Exhibitors don’t have to set up or tear down a traditional tradeshow booth. NDACo provides the display area, including signage with your logo! Also, Elite Exhibitors bring raffle gifts that are displayed at their booths for the NDACo Scholarship Fundraiser; these raffle gifts are a main attraction to our attendees.

Traditional Exhibitor

Traditional Exhibit

The Bismarck Event Center provides an excellent venue for traditional trade show booths. Traffic through the Exhibit Hall is strong, and there’s plenty of room to demonstrate your product, show a video, or sit knee-to-knee with your prospects.

Large Equipment Exhibitor

Large Equipment Exhibit

We are once again designating large equipment exhibit space to adjoin your booth. You won’t have to leave your booth to show off your big toys! We are including the large equipment spaces between the elite and traditional exhibit area. Sign-up soon as we only have 9 spaces available.

View Exhibit Space Details and Costs

Sponsor Info

Increase your exposure, visibility and recognition by becoming a contributing sponsor of NDACo’s Annual Conference & Exposition!

You may choose to be a full or partial sponsor of an event or simply donate toward the general conference fund. To be considered a partial sponsor you must contribute 25% or more of the estimated cost of a specific sponsorship. Sponsors may bring up to 2 representatives to the event they are sponsoring.

To become a sponsor, indicate which event you would like to sponsor and at what level of sponsorship.

Thank you for your support of ND counties and the NDACo!

Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration View Last Year’s Sponsors